Pinballz Arcade!
My first stop of the day!
After snagging a bite to eat and all that, I headed out for the first stop of my day at Pinballz Arcade! It was a wonderland of old and new gaming towers encompassing a deep, 2 leveled gaming area. At the front you are greeted with pinball machines and the prize counter.
These are surrounded by games like Gauntlet Legends, XMen (Welcome... TO DIE!) and Ninja Turtles. On the opposite side sits one of my favorite machines, the Cyclone, as well as other ticket winning games.
Continue on back and you find the pinball area. Pinball machines eat the second level of the place, their 8bit sounds attacking your ears and their lights sparkling in your eyes, its hard not to walk around in amazement!

Tucked away in a nook up front you can find old atari titles as well as Tron and Off Road, two of my favorites. Rampage was also there, and I had a great time munching on soldiers and wrecking buildings. It was just a fun start to a fun day!
I had some time to kill and had been requested to snag some Emergen-C and hand sanitizer, so I ran over to Wally World and grabbed up those items.
Afterwards, I drove on out towards Jester King. A brewery half an hour outside Austin.
Now, if you want to drink beer and get a feel for what I always thought Texas would be like, go to Jester King! Its out in bush country and its gorgeous! Connected to it is a Pizza place that, by all accounts, is delicious, but the feel of the place is just so... ranch. Its like a cowboy became a beer snob and made this brewery come to life by sheer cowboy will!
I met some fine gentlemen who invited me to sit with them at their table. Turns out, they are in process of opening up a brewery themselves,
Steam Theory Brewing Company
so keep your eyes peeled for these guys.
It was nice being able to share stories and discussions related to homebrewing over the extensive list of sour beers that Jest King has to offer!
Again, that Texas feel was prominent as the sun set over the compound and the spindly, bendy trees and bushes that speckled the rocky ground around Jest King. I felt so cool being part of the scenery here, and being able to experience it for myself!

At Jester King, they didn't just have their beer, and I am always, Always, ALWAYS ready to try some pineapple drink of some caliber. Beer, wine, mead, I want to try it all. These were two of the pineapple pleasantries I was privy to enjoy.

Now, by all account, the Pizza out there by Jester King is absolutely delicious, and I believe them because the line was INSANE by the time I was getting hungry, so the boys from Steam Theory and myself all rode on into Austin again and ended up at the Pint House.
I didn't ask about the mermaid beer girl there, but I'm sure she had a reason. She looked cool at least!
After pizza, I said my farewell to my new friends.
Post pizza, Aaron, Tio, and I went to the movies to see John Wick. What a fun film that was! Violence, revenge, Keanu: everything you'd ever need to have a good time! After film, we all headed home and hit our respective pillows. It has been a long day! I'll have more to do tomorrow!
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